Monday, August 4, 2008

Pray for Kallie

My Best Friend Kristy went on vacation last week to utah and her 2 month old started getting really sick. It escalated and they took her to ER. She was severely dehydrated from a virus and was unable to keep things in. She has been in the hospital there since Thursday and there is great concern now as she does not seem to be getting better. They just added a picc line (which is a very painful procedure) in hopes of getting protein into her system intravenously. Please pray that this works and Kallie gets better soon and starts gaining her weight back. She was small to begin with and this is taking its toll. Please keep my dear friends in your prayers and Kallie for a quick and speedy recovery. I will keep you all posted. Thank You!

This is the announcement I did for her a few weeks ago:


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