Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Add a Friend...

Whether you know them or not, this is a blog worth adding to your blogroll. This is the blog of my dear friend (our churches old youth pastors). They recently moved to Papau New Guinea. The stories she shares are inspiring and really put our world in perspective. if anything add it so people will pray for them and constantly keep them in the hearts and minds of people we are in contact with. She shared a story today about the children's malaria ward she visits. The stuff they are faced with on a daily basis most of us will never experience in our whole lives.

1 comment:

Diana said...

I so agree with you Cyndi. Carina's blog is my "reality check." I get bogged down by "life and then look at her page and think, what I am complaining about?
IT's awesome to get a glimpse into what God is doing through the Greer family, making a huge difference in Jesus' name.